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Tangerang, Indonesia

Friday, July 5, 2013

Apple, Beet and Corn Soup

The one thing that I can forgot after years living in HK is cooking healthy soup for my kids n family.
Most soup was cooked for 2 hours using fresh ingredients, sometimes we add chinese herbal, depends on our needs.

Few days ago I found my cooking book and I found this recipe.

Ingredients : 
2 pcs beetroots
2 corn cobs
2 pcs apples
2 pcs tomatoes (i skip)
300 gram lean pork or 1/2 chiken
2 slices of ginger

Directions :
Peel and cut beetroot into chunks.
Wash and cut corn cobs and apples  into chunks.
Wash and cut celery into short section.
Wash, scald and  rinse lean pork.
Bring suitable amount of water to the boil, add all ingredients and bring to boil again.
Reduce to low heat and cook for 2 hours, 
season with salt.

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