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Tangerang, Indonesia

Friday, March 26, 2010

Rich Chocolate Banana Cake

Weekend lagi deh...
Ngga berasa sudah hari Jumat..., hari ini hari terakhir anak2 ujian semester.
Biasanya kalo weekend ada aja yg mesti dibuat untuk snack anak2, entah itu yg rasanya manis ataupun yang asin.

Sudah lama pengin mencoba resep yang ada di sini.., memang pasangan yg pas kalau cokelat dan pisang kalau dijadikan makanan kecil.
Disini aku tidak mengikut semua takaran yg ada karena hasil akhirnya akan lebih keras seperti bolu kelihatannya.
Untuk mendapatkan tekstur yang lebih ringan, aku mengurangi jumlah gula mosvocado dan tepung terigu.

Ingridients :
  • 100 grams bittersweet chocolate, coarsley chopped and melted
  • 2 pc large ripe banana, mashed
  • 150 grams butter softened
  • 170 grams mosvocado sugar ( aku pake 150 gram)
  • 3 eggs
  • 175 grams all purpose flour (aku pake 1oo gram)
  • 1 1/2tsp baking powder ( aku pake yg aluminium free)
  • 20 grams cocoa powder (aku pake 2 tsp)

Directions :

  • Panaskan oven hingga 180 derajat celcius.
  • Siapkan 3 loyang loaf ukuran kecil, oles dengan butter.
  • Dalam wadah bersih, dengan kecepatan tinggi kocok mentega dan gula mosvocado hingga putih dan mengembang.
  • Masukan telur satu persatu, aduk hingga rata.
  • Masukan tepung terigu, coklat bubuk dan baking powder yang sudah di saring, aduk rata dengan spatula.
  • Masukan cokelat yg sudah dilelehkan, aduk rata.
  • Terakhir masukan pisang yg sudah dihancurkan, aduk rata.
  • Bagi ke dalam tiap loyang loaf sama rata, panggang selama kurang lebih 30 - 45 menit.
  • Dinginkan dan potong untuk disajikan.


Di saat cuaca panas cobalah sajikan bersama vanilla ice cream dan coklat leleh..

Di saat cuaca dingin sajikan hangat2 dengan segelas susu panas...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tea Eggs

Recipe to share :
Ingredients :
12 pcs egg
2 litter water
12 tbsp light soy sauce
2 teabags (black tea)
2 tsp salt
1 tsp five spices powder (ngo hiong powder)

Directions :

Boil eggs with 500 ml waterfor 10 minutes, pour out the hot water then add cold water.
Then crack the shells gently but don't take out the egg.
In medium pan, put in 1500 ml cold water, eggs and all the ingridients, cook for 45 to 60 minutes with.
Serve hot with remaining sauce.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Squash and Taro Sweet Soup

As my promised to Nicole (my elder daughter) to make squash sweet soup like the one that my sister made, when we back to my hometown last year for summer holliday.

The ingridients are easy to find, we went to the market an hour before I made this soup.

Ingredients :
  • 1.5 liter water
  • 1/2 pc squash about 500 grams, peel of the skin, cut into square
  • 1/2 taro about 200 grams, peel of the skin, cut into small square
  • 100 grams tapioca flakes, cook separately, rinse and set aside
  • 2 pcs pandan leaves
  • coconut sugar
  • granulated sugar
  • a dash of salt
  • 100ml of coconut milk
  • thickening ( water and corn flour)

Directions :

  • In medium size pan, add water and bring to boil,
  • add pandan leaves and squash, let it cook until the squash all separate,
  • then add taro, cook for more 15 minutes until taro soft,
  • add tapioca flakes, coconut sugar, granulated sugar, a dash of salt and coconut milk,
  • let it cook, taste it and adjust your sweetness,
  • then add the end add the thickening sauce.

Serve it hot or cold.