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This is another way how my kids finished my leftover salmon meat floss.
Mostly we eat with bread or congee.
Here I sprinkle salmon meat floss over my homemade sponge cake.
You can use your favorite sponge cake, then iced the top with mixed of {mayonnaise and sweet condensed milk} then spread some on the top of sponge cake and sprinkle with meat floss.
Then cut into bite size before serving.
After years tasting herbal tea..., this is the first time I made herbal tea jelly for my kids...especially for little Jackie..she loves jelly.
Since young I already familiar with chinese herbal tea, my mom always cook some soup and add some ingridients brought from chinese medicine store. She said it's good for detox our body and strenghten our immune system.
Chinese herbal tea can be easily found in Hong Kong, in the corner of the street, in the mall, on the MTR ...anywhere. It's various kind herbal tea you can choose, all already cooked, stored in the plastic bottle, hot/cold. In summer people likes to drink cold herbal tea, but in winter most likes hot herbal tea.
How to make your own chinese herbal tea :
Ingredients :
- 1 pack chinese herbal tea ( enough for 1 family, 4-5 people)
- 2 litre cold drinking water
- rock sugar (as desire)
- Rinse your chinese herbal tea.
- Put in your stock pot, add water, when start boiling reduce to medium small heat.
- Cook for 30 minutes turn off the flame, add rock sugar, stir until the sugar dissolve. You can taste the tea, if the taste too strong, you can add more boiled water.
- Let it cool and store in the fridge before served, or served when still warm.
To make chinese herbal jelly :
- 1 pack jelly powder ( I use Nutrijel brand, no color, and follow the instructions on the packaging)
- 700 ml cooked chinese herbal tea
- 2 tablespoon castor sugar
- Mix together jelly powder, sugar and cooked chinese herbal tea in clean pot, cook until boiling, stir until all powder and sugar dissolve.
- Turn off the heat, pour into jelly mould, let it cool, put in the fridge before serving.
Notes :
Instead of make your own chinese herbal tea, you can buy ready to drink chinese herbal tea from chinese medicine store.
Buat yang suka Lapis Surabaya....nih ada resep yang OK, sharing dari Mba Rachma, baker cantik yang punya online cake shop di Surabaya.
Cakenya lembut, moist, dan harum...thank you Mba Rachma buat sharingnya...
Bahan :
- 15 butir kuning telur
- 3 butir putih telur
- 1 sdt emulsifier
- 150 gram gula pasir
- 80 gram terigu (aku pake cap segitiga biru)
- 1 sendok makan susu bubuk
- 12 gram maizena
- 150 gram butter, dicairkan
- 1 sendok makan pasta coklat
- 2 buah loyang kotak ukuran 18x18
- 2 lembar kertas roti dipotong sesuai ukuran loyang
Cara :
- Panaskan oven hingga 189 derajat celcius.
- Alasi loyang dengan kertas roti, sebelumnya oles sisi loyang dan dasar loyang dengan mentega putih leleh.
- Dalam wadah bersih masukan kuning telur, putih telur, emulsifier, gula pasir, kocok dengan kecepatan tinggi, hingga putih dan mengental.
- Masukan satu persatu terigu, susu bubuk dan maizena, aduk hingga rata.
- Terakhir masukan butter yang sudah dicairkan.
- Bagi adonan menjadi 2, salah satunya diberi pasta cokelat.
- Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang yang dialasi kertas roti.
- Panggang kurang lebih 15 - 20 menit / hingga matang.
- Dinginkan cake, ambil cake berwarna coklat, oles dengan jam kesukaan, susun cake ke 2 diatasnya, tekan2 agar menempel dengan cake yang dibawahnya.
- Potong sesuai selera, hidangkan.