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Tangerang, Indonesia

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ice Cream in new style

Anson just cann't wait to take a bite.
He choose banana flavor...hmmm

This one is Nicole's choice... guava flavor..

in front is banana flavor, on the left is guava flavor
on the right is chocolate flavor

Who don't love summer????, especially here in Hong Kong........
We found a lot of new foods and drinks to wellcome summer season.
One I found here from local news paper is a dessert shop who sell a new style Ice Cream.
You can choose your favorite flavor, from any kind of fruits, chocolate, green tea, red bean etc..,
and add some fresh fruits and syrup you like.

That night after we finish our korean dinner which locate not far away from this Ice Cream shop in Tsim Tsa Sui, we order 1 banana flavor with fresh strawberry and strawberry syrup, 1 guava flavor with fresh strawberry and strawberry syrup, 1 chocolate flavor with chocolate syrup and chocolate chips.

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