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Tangerang, Indonesia

Monday, February 23, 2009

Blogger Aid Cookbok : Stir Fry Broccoli

Do you know that most of the kids in the world doesn't like vegetables? But not my kids, they love it, its easy for us to find a lot of kinds vegetable in here.

After I moved to Hong Kong, I always served 1 kind of vegetable, 1 kind of meat and soup for every meal.

Here I want to share the recipe for Blogger Aid Cookbook, we all love this dish, its easy, crunchy and healthy.

Thanks to Sefa who posted announcement about Blogger Aid Cookbook event, and also to Giz who organized this event.

This event is to make a cookbook that all profit from sales will go directly to The World Food Programme (WFP).

If you want to help, submit your recipe for this cookbook, the deadline has been extended until the end of March 2009.
I submit this recipe because we know kids don't like much vegetables, here I create a dish that taste and looks good, hopefully can make the kids interesting to try.


Anonymous said...

You have a very interesting blog.
Mary was here, and very much enjoyed reading your blog.
Thank you!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

This stir fry sounds delicious. Thank you for submitting it to the BloggerAid cookbook. It will make a delicious contribution:D

Anonymous said...

mau contribute nich belum2 aza....:)