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Tangerang, Indonesia

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Premium Soya Chicken

Still looking for easy recipes?
Ah... this week is the laziest week for me, I don't want to move, even for cooking, I felt it's hard to stay for while in the kitchen...don't know why.
But we still have to eat right?
For those who need fast and simple recipe but with great result, don't forget to try it.
Bet you can't speak any words... but licked your thumbs.

You need :

1 pc frosted whole chicken
300 ml premium chicken marinated soya (Amoy brand)
50 ml water
1 pc sugar cane
1/2 teaspoon salt

Follow me :

  1. Clean the chicken,

  2. put the marinated soya, water, sugar cane and salt into pressure cooker, bring to boil,
  3. add the chicken, cook for 15 minutes,
  4. turn the chicken, cover and lock, cook for more 15 minutes ,
  5. bring out the chicken, put into baking tray, bake until golden brown or just cut into small pieces and served together with the remaining sauce (as a dip).

Tips :

* If you use regular saucepan, you need to cook more longer, total about 45 minutes.

* Served with organic brown rice

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Yellow Fried Chicken

source : Aneka Kreasi SEDAP

Don't know what to eat?,

Do you like chicken?, but no idea how to cook...

Ok, come on... this is what you need :
  • 1 pc whole chicken (I prefer frosted), be carefull watch out the expired date
  • 4 pcs garlic, peel of the skin,
  • 8 pcs shallot, peel of the skin,
  • 1 tablespoon coriander,
  • 5 cm fresh turmeric,
  • 1 tablespoon coconut sugar/palm sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon salt.

Follow me

  • Clean the chicken inside and outside, cut into 4 pcs.
  • Blend garlic, shallot, coriander, turmeric, coconut sugar and salt using food processor until smooth.
  • Marinate the chicken with all blended spices, leave it for 2 hours .
  • Using deep plate, steam the chicken about 30 minutes.
  • Drain the chicken, using small flame fry for a while/golden brown before served.

Tips :

**Here I served Yellow Fried Chicken with white rice, boiled egg, and sambal.

**Serve when still hot.

To make Sambal we need :

  1. 10 pcs chilli pepper (more/less as you like)

  2. 5 pcs garlic, peel off the skin

  3. 2 pcs fresh ripe tomato, dice

  4. 1 tablespoon coconut sugar/palm sugar

  5. a dash of salt

  6. 2 tablespoon cooking oil

Follow me :

  1. Using food processor, blend all chilli pepper and garlic until smooth.

  2. Boiled tomato for 3-4 minutes, then peel off the skin, and dice

  3. Prepare frying pan, add cooking oil, put in blended chilli pepper and garlic,

  4. Cook untill fragrant, add tomato, sugar and salt, cook for more 5 minutes/untill dry.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Blogger Aid Cookbok : Stir Fry Broccoli

Do you know that most of the kids in the world doesn't like vegetables? But not my kids, they love it, its easy for us to find a lot of kinds vegetable in here.

After I moved to Hong Kong, I always served 1 kind of vegetable, 1 kind of meat and soup for every meal.

Here I want to share the recipe for Blogger Aid Cookbook, we all love this dish, its easy, crunchy and healthy.

Thanks to Sefa who posted announcement about Blogger Aid Cookbook event, and also to Giz who organized this event.

This event is to make a cookbook that all profit from sales will go directly to The World Food Programme (WFP).

If you want to help, submit your recipe for this cookbook, the deadline has been extended until the end of March 2009.
I submit this recipe because we know kids don't like much vegetables, here I create a dish that taste and looks good, hopefully can make the kids interesting to try.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rujak Kalimantan (Almost) Forgotten Indonesian Culinary Heritage

Terima kasih sebelumnya kepada Rurie yang sudah membuat event ini, bagaimana caranya saya tahu mengenai event ini?
Kebetulan saya kenal Rita, food blogger dari Indonesia yang tinggal di Hong Kong, saya juga tinggal di Hong Kong dan salah satu pengunjung setia blognya Rita.

Untuk event ini saya coba menyubang satu resep yg sebetulnya mudah sekali membuatnya tetapi juga cukup menyita waktu karena ada bahan yang perlu dimasak hingga matang.

Mendengar namanya mengingatkan saya kepada popo/nenek (ibu dari ayah) yang dulunya sebelum hijrah ke Jakarta tinggal di pulau Kalimantan, Kalimantan Barat khususnya.
Di Jakarta mudah sekali menemukan beraneka ragam rujak, tetapi untuk rujak yang satu ini agak sulit karena hanya bisa ditemukan didaerah tertentu saja dimana peranakan cina yang berasal dari Kalimantan tinggal.

Rujak Kalimantan dibuat dari bahan-bahan yang murah namun belum tentu mudah didapat, seperti bengkuang, di Hong Kong bengkuang jarang ditemukan, hanya ada pada saat-saat tertentu.
Keunikan dari rujak ini adalah adanya ebi kering sehingga menambah kemewahan rasa rujak tersebut.

Selain bahan-bahan yang disebutkan, untuk membuat rujak ini diperlukan juga cobek/lesung untuk memudahkan pencampuran bumbunya.

Berikut adalah bahan-bahan yang digunakan, untuk ubi merah, nanas dan bengkuang, semua dibuang kulitnya (kecuali ketimun, tidak perlu dikupas kulitnya semua, sisakan sedikit agar terasa lebih gurih), cuci bersih dan dengan lap tissue dapur hingga kering.

Bahan yang dibutuhkan :

  1. Ubi merah mentah, pilih ukuran yang kecil di serut menggunakan pisau pemotong kulit buah, 10 lembar.

  2. Nanas, 10 potong, ukuran disesuaikan dengan potongan ubi merah.

  3. Bengkuang, 10 potong, ukuran disesuaikan dengan bahan-bahan yang lain.

  4. Ketimun, sisakan sedikit kulitnya supaya lebih terasa gurihnya, 10 potong.

  5. Siapkan semua bahan di dalam wadah/mangkok yang cukup besar.

Bumbu :

  1. Kacang tanah, 200 gram disangrai dengan sedikit minyak hingga matang, lalu diblender kasar,

  2. 1/2 sendok makan terasi yang di panggang hingga harum/wangi,

  3. 2 sendok makan gula merah,

  4. 2 sendok makan air jeruk lemon,

  5. 1/2 sendok makan garam,

  6. 2 biji cabe rawit (kalau suka pedas boleh lebih),

  7. 2 sendok makan ebi kering, di sangrai hingga harum/wangi, blender hingga halus,

8. 1/2 gelas air matang.

Cara membuat :

  • Siapkan lesung/cobek,

  • masukkan semua bumbu 1-6, ulek/tumbuk hingga rata, rasakan, silahkan disesuaikan dengan seleranya sambil ditambahkan air matang sedikit demi sedikit hingga cukup kekentalannya, jangan sampai terlalu encer,

  • masukkan 1 sendok makan ebi kering, aduk rata

  • masukkan semua bumbu tadi kedalam wadah/mangkok yang berisi ubi, nanas, bengkuang dan ketimun, aduk rata,

  • taruh rujak diatas piring saji, taburkan sisa ebi diatas rujak, sajikan.
Selamat menikmati RUJAK KALIMANTAN.

Hong Kong, 19 Februari 2009.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Butter Cookies

As request of my friend who just interest in baking, here I post my butter cookies recipe.

As we know healthy is more important than everything, so I made some changes on the sweetnest of this cookies.

Ingredients :

  • 100 gr salted margarine (at room temperature)

  • 140 gr creamy butter (at room temperature)

  • 80 gr caster sugar

  • 2 pcs large egg yolks

  • 1 pc large egg white

  • 4 tbsp condensed milk

  • 240 gr flour

  • 1/2 tsp baking powder


  1. Beat margarine, butter and caster sugar until creamy and pale,

  2. add egg yolks and egg white, mix well,

  3. add condensed milk, mix well,

  4. at last add flour (mix together with baking powder),

  5. put the batter into piping plastic bag (about half) with star tube pipe into baking tray until finish,

  6. bake at 180 c about 15 minutes, let it cool and store in dry cool place.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Beef in chilli and coconut sauce (Rendang)

Last night we had guests as Chinese New Year visit. They are my Hong Kong friends who lived near our house, one of them is her first time to visit us.

As tradition here, when Chinese New Year and you visit someone you must bring along a gift (most of them are food likes cookies, noodles or etc).

As they visit me at dinner time, I cooked some food for dinner and of them is my favorite dish from my country called RENDANG.
For those who lived outside Indonesia country, I refer you to use already made instant seasoning from MUNIK brand, the taste quite similar with Rendang Padang.
You can follow the cooking directions behind the box, but here I already adapt with my taste.

For me I use :

1 pack instant seasoning Bumbu Rendang
1 small pack coconut milk (kara)
4 slices ginger
5 pcs bay leave (daun salam)
2 kg beef brisket (cut into squares)
2 cups water
Put all ingredients in pressed cooker,
lock carefully, using big flame cook until steam come out,
cook for more half hour using medium flame,
wait until steam disappear, open and serve.
All love this dish, especially my daughter Nicole.