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Tangerang, Indonesia

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wishing You Merry X'mas


Happy New Year 2011

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Exotic Tempeh

For friends who don't know what is Tempeh, you can find it here.

I tried to introduce this food with many way to my kids and now they love it...
It's called Exotic Tempeh, because I add an asian taste likes tamarind, lime leaves, bird's eye chili and bell peppers.
What we need are :
  • 200 grams tempeh, cut into stripes then fried untill medium brown
  • 4 pcs shallot, cut into slices
  • 2 pcs bird's eye chili
  • 2 pcs lime leaves (found at asian shop)
  • 1/2 medium size bell peppers, cut into dice, fried until fragrant without oil, set aside
  • 2 tbsp tamarind water
  • light soy sauce
  • sweet soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp cooking oil

Directions :

  • Using medium size non-stick frying pan, on medium flame add cooking oil, shallot, bird's eye chili and lime leaves fried until fragrant.
  • Add already fried tempeh, tamarind water, light soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, mix well.
  • Then add already fried bell peppers, mix well serve hot with white rice.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bamboo Shoot and Chicken Soup

Another recipe from my family. This soup was introduced by my mom, she always cook this soup on special day like Chinese New Year, Christmas or birthday gathering.
And now even my hubby and my kids love this soup very much.

Ingridients :
1 pc fresh chicken, cleaned and cut into pieces
1/2 canned bamboo shoot, cut into stripe
1 pc dried squid, soak, cleaned, cut into pieces
1 can button mushroom
3 tablespoon choped garlic
1 tbsp cooking oil
1 litre water

Directions :

Using medium size non-stick pan, put in cooking oil and choped garlic, fried until light brown then add dried squid, stir until cook then add chicken, stir until the colour change to light brown.

Add mushroom, bamboo shoot and water.

Cook until the chicken meat tender.

Serve with light soy sauce with fresh small chilli.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Rich Chocolate Banana Cake

Weekend lagi deh...
Ngga berasa sudah hari Jumat..., hari ini hari terakhir anak2 ujian semester.
Biasanya kalo weekend ada aja yg mesti dibuat untuk snack anak2, entah itu yg rasanya manis ataupun yang asin.

Sudah lama pengin mencoba resep yang ada di sini.., memang pasangan yg pas kalau cokelat dan pisang kalau dijadikan makanan kecil.
Disini aku tidak mengikut semua takaran yg ada karena hasil akhirnya akan lebih keras seperti bolu kelihatannya.
Untuk mendapatkan tekstur yang lebih ringan, aku mengurangi jumlah gula mosvocado dan tepung terigu.

Ingridients :
  • 100 grams bittersweet chocolate, coarsley chopped and melted
  • 2 pc large ripe banana, mashed
  • 150 grams butter softened
  • 170 grams mosvocado sugar ( aku pake 150 gram)
  • 3 eggs
  • 175 grams all purpose flour (aku pake 1oo gram)
  • 1 1/2tsp baking powder ( aku pake yg aluminium free)
  • 20 grams cocoa powder (aku pake 2 tsp)

Directions :

  • Panaskan oven hingga 180 derajat celcius.
  • Siapkan 3 loyang loaf ukuran kecil, oles dengan butter.
  • Dalam wadah bersih, dengan kecepatan tinggi kocok mentega dan gula mosvocado hingga putih dan mengembang.
  • Masukan telur satu persatu, aduk hingga rata.
  • Masukan tepung terigu, coklat bubuk dan baking powder yang sudah di saring, aduk rata dengan spatula.
  • Masukan cokelat yg sudah dilelehkan, aduk rata.
  • Terakhir masukan pisang yg sudah dihancurkan, aduk rata.
  • Bagi ke dalam tiap loyang loaf sama rata, panggang selama kurang lebih 30 - 45 menit.
  • Dinginkan dan potong untuk disajikan.


Di saat cuaca panas cobalah sajikan bersama vanilla ice cream dan coklat leleh..

Di saat cuaca dingin sajikan hangat2 dengan segelas susu panas...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tea Eggs

Recipe to share :
Ingredients :
12 pcs egg
2 litter water
12 tbsp light soy sauce
2 teabags (black tea)
2 tsp salt
1 tsp five spices powder (ngo hiong powder)

Directions :

Boil eggs with 500 ml waterfor 10 minutes, pour out the hot water then add cold water.
Then crack the shells gently but don't take out the egg.
In medium pan, put in 1500 ml cold water, eggs and all the ingridients, cook for 45 to 60 minutes with.
Serve hot with remaining sauce.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Squash and Taro Sweet Soup

As my promised to Nicole (my elder daughter) to make squash sweet soup like the one that my sister made, when we back to my hometown last year for summer holliday.

The ingridients are easy to find, we went to the market an hour before I made this soup.

Ingredients :
  • 1.5 liter water
  • 1/2 pc squash about 500 grams, peel of the skin, cut into square
  • 1/2 taro about 200 grams, peel of the skin, cut into small square
  • 100 grams tapioca flakes, cook separately, rinse and set aside
  • 2 pcs pandan leaves
  • coconut sugar
  • granulated sugar
  • a dash of salt
  • 100ml of coconut milk
  • thickening ( water and corn flour)

Directions :

  • In medium size pan, add water and bring to boil,
  • add pandan leaves and squash, let it cook until the squash all separate,
  • then add taro, cook for more 15 minutes until taro soft,
  • add tapioca flakes, coconut sugar, granulated sugar, a dash of salt and coconut milk,
  • let it cook, taste it and adjust your sweetness,
  • then add the end add the thickening sauce.

Serve it hot or cold.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Braise Mushrooms with Egg White and Japanese Crab Meat

Buat yang suka dengan masakan yang sehat tanpa daging, boleh nih coba resep ini.

Masakan ini hanya mengandung putih telur, jamur merang, kapri dan daging kepiting imitasi.

Kebetulan aku punya banyak putih telur sisa dari hasil membuat lapis surabaya untuk teman yg anaknya berulang tahun hari minggu ini.

Saya sendiri sebetulnya kurang begitu suka dengan jamur merang karena baunya (bau tanah) yg kurang sedap, tapi setelah di masak dengan jahe, daun bawang, kaldu ayam dan sedikit arak masak hasilnya cukup memuaskan.

Bahan2 yg dibutuhkan:

  • 200 gram jamur merang ukuran sedang, potong menjadi 2 bagian
  • 6 pcs Japanese Crab Stick, rebus dan di suir
  • 100 ml putih telur, kocol lepas
  • 4 lembar jahe
  • 1 batang daun bawang iris menjadi 2 bagaian
  • 10 pcs kapri

Bumbu untuk jamur merang :

  • 1/2 gelas air matang
  • 1/4 sendok teh garam
  • 1/4 sendok teh gula
  • 1 sendok teh kaldu ayam
  • 1 sendok makan arak masak

Bumbu pengental :

  • 1/2 gelas kaldu ayam
  • 2 sendok teh tepung jagung
  • sedikit lada dan minyak wijen

Cara :

  • Masak air dengan panci kecil hingga matang, masukan jamur, rebus kurang lebih 5 menit, matikan api, keluarkan jamur dan bilas dengan air.

  • Panaskan wajan, masukan 1 sendok makan minyak sayur, masak jahe dan daun bawang hingga harum, masukan jamur dan arak masak tambahkan bumbu untuk jamur masak hingga air berkurang terakhir masukan setengah bagian dari bumbu pengental, aduk rata, angkat dan siapkan jamur diatas piring, sisihkan.

  • Panaskan wajan bersih, masukan sedikit minyak sayur tumis kapri hingga matang, angkat dan hias dibagian pinggir dari jamur merang.

  • Panaskan wajan, masukan 1 sendok makan minyak sayur, masukan crab stick, masukan bumbu pengental aduk rata, masukan putih telur dan aduk perlahan hingga mengental, angkat dan taruh diatas jamur yang sudah matang.

English version :

Ingredients :

  • 200 grams medium size straw mushrooms, cut into two
  • 6 pcs Japanese Crab Stick, tear into shreds
  • 100 ml egg white, beat thoroughly
  • 4 slices ginger
  • 1 sprig spring onion cut into 2
  • 10 pcs sugar snap pea

Braising sauce :

  • 100 ml water
  • 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp chicken powder
  • 1 tbsp cooking wine

Thickening Sauce :

  • 1/2 glass of chicken broth
  • 2 tsp cornstarch
  • A dash of pepper and sesame oil

Method :

  • In a small pan, boil some water then add mushrooms, let it boiling for 5 minuts, take them out and rinse with water.
  • Heat up 1 tbsp oil stir-fry ginger and spring onion, add in mushrooms and cooking wine and stir-fry, add braising sauce ingridients and cook until dry then add thickening sauce, mix well then take it out put on the serving plate.
  • Heat up 1 tbsp oil, stir-fry sugar snap pea until all cook then arrange on the plate that already we put the mushrooms.
  • Heat up 1 tbsp oil, add in crab stick and remaining thickening sauce and bring it to boil. Stir in egg whites and stir gently until thickens. Pour it over mushrooms and serve.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Braised Meigan Cai and Pork Belly

Remembering my grandpa (my dad's father), he is the one that made me loves to cook.
She teached my mom a lot of Hakka dishes then I can learn from her.
One of my favourites Hakka dishes is braised meigan cai with pork belly, I like the fragrant of mei cai after they are ready to serve.
What we need :
  • 200 grams sweet dried meigan cai (find in chinese store), rinse and soak for 20 minutes then cut into tiny slices, there are salty and sweet dried Meigan Cai
  • 200 grams of pork belly, discard the skin (rinse, pat dry and cut into 2 cm)
  • 2 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
  • 2 tablespoon of cooking wine
  • 2 tablespoon light soy sauce
  • a dash of white pepper
  • 2 tablespoon of cooking oil
  • water

How to:

Heat up the wok on medium heat and add cooking oil. Stir fry the pork belly until brown, set aside.

Put garlic into the wok, stir fry the garlic until fragrant then add the pork belly and Meigan Cai, mix well.

Then add cooking wine, light soy sauce, pepper, mix well then add water (make sure the water should be cover all the ingridients).

Lower the heat to the lowest and let it shimmering for about one hour or until the pork belly become tender.

Dish out and serve hot with Oatmeal Rice.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New York Cheese Cake

Happy New Year guys......

This is my first posting in this year, as my promised to my nephew Niki, here is the recipe for New York Cheese Cake that I got from here with some changing on some ingredients.

Hope he can do it as well as I do because this recipe is very easy for beginning in baking...

Cann't wait to hear the result ...:)

What we need : 15 cm diameter springform pan

First we need to :

Preheat oven at 177 celcius degrees

Grease the side of the springform pan with butter

Ingredients :

Crust :

  • 80 grams of whole wheat digestive cookies (process all the cookies in food processor until all crumbs)
  • 35 grams of unsalted butter, melted

For Crust:

  • In a medium sized bowl combine the wheat digestive crumbs, and melted butter. Press the crumbs evenly over the bottom of springform pan. Cover and refrigerate when you make the filling

Filling :

  • 1 pack of cream cheese (454 grams) at room temperature (use full fat, not reduced fat or fat free cream cheese
  • 100 grams granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 tbspn all purpose flour
  • 1 whole egg and 1 egg yolk, at room temperature
  • 40 ml whipping cream,

For filling :

  • In medium size bowl, place the cream cheese, sugar and flour, beat on low speed until smooth (about 2 minutes), scrapping down the bowl as needed. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well each section (about 30 seconds). Scraping down the side of the bowl then add whipping cream and beat until incorporated.

  • Remove the crust from the refrigerator, pour in the filling, the place the cheese cake pan on the larger baking pan.

  • Bake for 15 minutes then lower the temperatur to 120 degrees and continue to bake more 40 minutes or until firm and only the center of the cheese cake looks a little wet and woobly.

  • Remove from oven and let it cool.

Here I decorate my cheese cake with fresh blueberries and strawberries

We need :

  • 1 tbsp of gelatin powder
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp water

How to :

  • Mix all together then using double boiling method, let all the things melted, let it cool for a while and they will become thicker like gel.

  • Before they become hard, arrange the fruits that we use then brush with gelatin gel.

Notes :

Cheesecakes are cakes that should not to be eaten straight away as they need to cool and then be refrigerated for several hours, preferably overnight, so the flavors have time to blend and the texture becomes nice and firm.

The great thing about cheesecake is that it stores very well and can also be frozen. To freeze, place the cooled cheesecake on a baking pan and freeze, uncovered, until firm. Remove the cheesecake from the freezer, wrap it in heavy duty aluminum foil and place in a freezer bag. Seal and return to freezer. It can be frozen for several months. Thaw the uncovered cheesecake in the refrigerator overnight.

Indonesian version :

Yang perlu disiapkan :

  • 1 buah loyang bongkar pasang ukuran diameter 15/16 cm, lalu oleskan mentega pada sisi loyang.
  • Panaskan oven dengan suhu 175 derajat celcius.

Bahan-bahan :

Untuk dasar cake

  • 80 gram biskuit gandum, diblender hingga halus
  • 35 gram mentega tawar, dilelehkan hingga cair
  • Campur remahan biskuit gandum dan mentega cair hingga rata, lalu dipress pada bagian dasar loyang, ratakan dengan sendok hingga rapih. Simpan dalam kulkas dan dilanjutkan membuat isi/fillingnya.

Filling :

  • 1 pak cream cheese (454 gram, aku pake merk Philadelpia, kalau mau yg rasa cheesenya mantep, jangan pake yg reduced fat/fat free cream cheese), diamkan pada suhu ruangan.
  • 100 gram gula pasir halus
  • 1 1/2 sendok makan terigu
  • 2 kuning telur dan 1 putih telur, diamkan pada suhu ruangan
  • 40 ml whipping cream
  • Siapkan wadah ukuran sedang, masukan cream cheese, gula halus, terigu, kocok selama 2 menit hingga rata dengan menggunakan kecepatan sedang.
  • Bersihkan pinggiran wadah dengan spatula hingga semua bahan tercampur rata, lalu masukan telur satu persatu, aduk hingga rata.
  • Masukan whipping cream, aduk rata.
  • Keluarkan loyang dari kulkas, tuang filling ke dalam loyang, taruh loyang diatas loyang yang agak besar untuk memudahkan waktu mengeluarkan setelah pemanggangan selesai.
  • Panggang selama 15 menit, kemudian turunkan suhu ke 120 derajat celcius, panggang kembali selama kurang lebih 30-45 menit atau hingga matang. Cake akan terlihat bagian tengahnya agak basah dan mencekung ke dalam.


Jangan kaget kalau pada saat matang cake akan pecah pada bagian pinggirannya, untuk mencegah hal ini terjadi, gunakan low speed selama mengocok adonan.

Ingat cheese cake bukanlah cake yang enak kalau langsung dimakan setelah matang, cheese cake akan lebih enak dimakan setelah di simpan beberapa jam atau semalaman di kulkas.